3500 - 2600 BC Minoan people settled the island of Crete, became an important maritime power trading with Egypt and Asia Minor
3000 BC Aegeans and Minoans developed bronze tools and trade networks
3100 - 2400 BC Construction of Stonehenge completed in England in multiple phases
2500 - 2000 BC Use of bronze tools spread across mainland Europe
1900 - 1600 BC Mycenaean Age began, Mycenaean people spread across the Greek mainland
1627 BC Thera Volcano erupted, decimated nearby Minoan settlements, changed the climate of the entire region
1420 BC Mycenaeans occupied the Minoan cities on Crete
1104 BC Phoenicians founded the city of Cadiz in present day Spain
1085 BC Madrid founded
900 - 800 BC Greek city states founded. Greeks modified the Phoenician alphabet to create the Greek alphabet
776 BC First Olympic games held in Delphi
753 BC Rome founded
600 BC The Forum built in Rome
550 BC World wonder, the Temple of Artemis completed in Ephesus
546 BC Cyrus the Great proclaimed "King of the Persian Empire"
500 - 400 BC
509 BC Romans converted to a republic form of government
470 - 399 BC The Greek philosopher, Socrates, developed the Socratic method of inquiry and the beginnings of ethics. He also contributed to philosophical thought.
466 - 456 BC World wonder, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia is completed
428 - 348 BC Plato, a student of Socrates, founded one of the earliest organized schools in western civilization, influenced studies of mathematics and philosophy throughout the known world.
400 - 100 BC
384 - 322 BC Aristotle, a student of Plato, developed formal logic, the camera obscura, the beginnings of the scientific method, and zoology
353 - 350 BC World wonder, the Mausoleum at Harlicarnassus was completed in modern day Turkey
331 - 334 BC Alexander the Great conquered the entire Persian Empire
312 BC The first Roman aqueduct, Aqua Appia, was constructed
292 - 280 BC World wonder, the Colossus of Rhodes is completed. Stood over 30 m (107 ft) high.
100 - 0 BC
70 - 1 BC The poet Virgil wrote the Aenid
44 BC Gaius Julius Caesar assassinated on the Ides of March
30 BC Egypt became a Roman province. Roman general, Mark Anthony and Egyptian pharaoh, Cleopatra committed suicide
27 BC Rome's republic ended and the empire began. Augustus Caesar was sole ruler of the Roman Empire
7 BC - 4 CE Rome conquered Judea in modern day Israel. Jesus of Nazareth was born in this Judean province.
0 - 400 CE
50 -43 Romans conquered Britain, founded the city of London
80 The Colosseum was built in Rome
122 Hadrian's Wall was built in northern England
200 - 300 Germanic tribes such as the Ostrogoths and Visigoths began to organize
306 - 322 Constantine declared emperor of the Roman empire. He ended persecution of Christians and converts to Christianity
325 Ecumenical Council of Nicea convened to develop Nicene Creed, set the date for Easter, and homogenized Christian beliefs
400 - 600 Decline of the Roman Empire :: Beginning of the Dark Ages (Medieval Period)
400 - 900 CE (Beowulf was written between 700-1000 CE)
710 - 730 Muslim forces crossed the Strait of Gibraltar, conquered Spain
741 - 813 Charlemagne expanded the Frankish empire to include modern day Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, northern Italy, and northern Spain.
793 - 802 Viking settlers expanded from Scandinavia outwards to northern England, Ireland, and northern France.
825 Vikings arrived at Iceland
843 Viking settlers founded Dublin
859 Russian city of Novogrod founded
872 Harold I unified all of Norway
886 - 911 Viking leader Rollo sacked Paris and in a treaty, was given the region of Normandy in France
900 - 1100
962 The Saxon leader Otto I crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope
982 - 985 Viking explorer Erik the Red banished from Iceland and subsequently discovered Greenland
1025 Poland declared independence from the Holy Roman Empire, emerged as major European power
1057 William the Conqueror conquered all of England for France
1066 Tower of London constructed
1096 - 1300 The Crusades began causing many Muslim and Christian deaths. Crusaders battled across the Middle East and Spain.
1100 - 1400
1144 Gothic architecture gained prominence
1237 Mongols crossed the Ural mountains and ruled Russia
1252 The Inquisition began, torture approved in cases of religious disobedience
1347 - 1350 The Black Death struck Europe killing an estimated 30 - 60% of Europe's population
1350 - 1500 The Renaissance began in Italy, ENDING THE MEDIEVAL PERIOD
1400 - 1700
1430 Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for leading French troops
1434 The Medici family rose to power in Italy, Cosimio de Medici became ruler of Florence
1440 Gutenburg invents the Printing Press
1492 Columbus began his exploration of the New World
1492 Gutenberg Bible printed using moveable type
1500 - 1600 English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch colonies were founded throughout the New World and Africa
1503 Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa
1517 The Protestant reformation began
1588 England defeated the Spanish Armada and gained control of the seas
1600 Galileo challenged geocentric view of the universe
1687 Isaac Newton founded Newtonian physics
1700 - 1900
1750 - 1850 English Industrial Revolution began
1789 French revolution stormed the Bastille
1792 - 1821 Napoleon conquered much of Europe for the French
1802 Ludwig van Beethoven performed Moonlight Sonata
1804 Napolean proclaimed Emperor of France
1845 - 1849 Irish potato famine killed approximately 1 million Irish
1848 Karl Marx argued for socialism, revolutions occurred in Europe; issued Communist Manifesto
1859 Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species
1860 - 1869 Italy and Germany unified into modern countries
1900 - 2000
1914 - 1918 World War I occurred throughout Europe
1930's Great Depression weakened European economies
1933 Adolf Hitler became Chancellor Germany
1939 Winston Churchill became prime minister of Britain
1939 - 1945 World War II occurred throughout the world. Hitler created concentration camps for Jews. Russia expanded their country. Mussolini overthrown in Italy.
1944 D-Day landing in Normandy by allies
1945 Hitler committed suicide; Germany surrendered
1946 - 1990 Cold War took place between USSR and the United States
1957 USSR launched Sputnik into space
1978 World's first successful &test-tube& baby born in Great Britain
1989 Poland overthrew communism. Tim Berners-Lee of Great Britain, created the World Wide Web. Berlin Wall demolished
1991 USSR collapsed, Cold War ended
1992 Maasricht treaty created European Union
1995 CERN in Switzerland created antihydrogen atoms
2002 The European Union released the Euro as a new form of currency
2003 Ten thousand people died in heat wave in France
2005 French protestors rioted in the streets. Pope John Paul II died. Bomb attack on three of London's underground trains killed 56, injured over 700
2007 - 2009 Russia attacked Georgia
2008 Former Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadzic arrested on charges of genocide
2010 Polish President, Lech Kaczynski and 96 other passengers and crew, killed in airplane crash
2011 Greeks rioted in the streets over government and economic troubles